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Home > Europa > Germania > Berlino*?
Anteprima in bianco e nero
Tutte le immagini a colori sono disponibili anche in bianco e nero. Le anteprime in bianco e nero che vedete qui sono ottenute mediante desaturazione con uno script Java. Il risultato è assai neutro e l'immagine può apparire poco contrastata o con una non corretta esposizione. Prima della stampa, ogni immagine viene però processata individualmente, così da assicurare i corretti contrasto e range dinamico.


frame frame
Immagini dalla capitale tedesca, Berlino. Altre immagini di Berlino si trovano nella galleria bianco e nero.
Ci sono altre immagini della categoria Germania in questi album:

60 immagini in 3 pagine 1

Travel photography:Memorial wall Berlin, Germany
Travel photography:Bratwurst seller outside the Friedrichstrasse station in Berlin, Germany
Travel photography:Facade of the old dome in Berlin, Germany
Travel photography:Berlin Dom am Gendarmenmarkt, Germany
Travel photography:Berlin Old National Gallery (Alte Nationalgalerie), Germany
Travel photography:Berlin Brandenburger Tor, Germany
Travel photography:Berlin Brandenburger Tor, Germany
Travel photography:Sky reflecting off facade, Germany
Travel photography:Inside the church in the Französische Strasse, Germany
Travel photography:The Dom with Altes Museum and TV tower in the background, Germany
Travel photography:View of the German Dome from the subway station Stadtmitte, Germany
Travel photography:The Berlin TV tower on Alexanderplatz, Germany
Travel photography:Football sculpture near the Alexanderplatz, Germany
Travel photography:View of the French Dome from the Gendarmenmarkt with giant musical notes, Germany
Travel photography:View of the French Dome from the Gendarmenmarkt with giant musical notes, Germany
Travel photography:Building featuring mosaic with socialist theme at the Alexanderplatz, Germany
Travel photography:Berlin Gedächtniskirche (remembrance church), Germany
Travel photography:Berlin Gedächtniskirche close-up (remembrance church), Germany
Travel photography:Giant football boots near the Hauptbahnhof, Germany
Travel photography:Giant football boots near the Hauptbahnhof, Germany
60 immagini in 3 pagine 1


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