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Home > Europa > Spagna > Granada*?
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Con immagini de Granada (italianizzato a volte in Granata), capoluogo dell'omonima provincia andalusa. Molto vicina alle montagne della Sierra Nevada, il monumento più celebre è l'Alhambra, considerata uno dei Patrimoni dell'Umanità.
Ci sono altre immagini della categoria Spagna in questi album:

104 immagini in 6 pagine 3

Travel photography:Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles), also called the Patio de la Alberca (Court of the Blessing or Court of the Pond) in the Nazrin palace of the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Facade detail in the Nazrin palace in the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Door in the Nazrin palace in the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Facade detail in the Nazrin palace in the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Facade detail in the Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles), also called the Patio de la Alberca (Court of the Blessing or Court of the Pond) in the Nazrin palace of the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Arabesque facade detail in the Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles), also called the Patio de la Alberca (Court of the Blessing or Court of the Pond) in the Nazrin palace of the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Arabesque ceiling with muqarnas in an alcove of the Nazrin palace in the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Visitor at the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Roof of the Nazrin palace in the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles), also called the Patio de la Alberca (Court of the Blessing or Court of the Pond) in the Nazrin palace of the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Arches in Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of Myrtles) of the Nazrin palace in Granada`s Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:The Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles), also called the Patio de la Alberca (Court of the Blessing or Court of the Pond) in the Nazrin palace of the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Arabesque wall decoration the the Sala de los Abencerrajes (Hall of the Abencerrages) in the Nazrin palace of the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:The Sala de los Abencerrajes (Hall of the Abencerrages) inside the Nazrin palace of the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Ceiling of the Sala de los Abencerrajes (Hall of the Abencerrages) of the Nazrin palace in the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Arabesque ceiling in the Sala de los Abencerrajes (Hall of the Abencerrages) of the Nazrin palace in the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Doorways in the Nazrin palace in the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Arabesque facade detail in the Nazrin palace in the Granada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Sunlight enters through a coloured window into an ornate arabesque alcove of the Nazrin palace in the ranada Alhambra, Spain
Travel photography:Sunlight enters through a coloured window into an ornate arabesque alcove of the Nazrin palace in the ranada Alhambra, Spain
104 immagini in 6 pagine 3


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