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Bild 27/46, Nr. 2557
Dragon Dog in the Sängersaal of the Wartburg Castle
Dragon Dog in the Sängersaal of the Wartburg Castle
Built in 1067, the Wartburg is famous because Martin Luther used it as a retreat in 1521. During his stay, he produced the first version of the bible which could be understood by the common people by translating the New Testament FROM Greek (a language only understood by clergy at the time) to German. He also drafted a paper with reforms of the church system initiating the Reformation movement.
Stichworte: sculpture stone art Dragon Dog Sängersaal Wartburg Castle Europe Germany Eisenach
Dieses Bild bewerten: Sehr schlecht Schlecht Geht so Gut Sehr gut Super
Name des Albums:Thüringen
Hinzugefügt am:13. August 2006
Angezeigt:882 mal
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