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Anfang > Europa > Slowakei?
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Bild 31/34, Nr. 4640
Sculpture of Schoner Naci in Bratislava
Sculpture of Schoner Naci in Bratislava
The Schoner Nace was set up in 1997 by sculptor Juraj Melus for the Bratislava citizen Ignac Lamar who was known for his elegant dress (he used to wear black/white suits with a hat, white gloves and shiny shoes) and his life of leasure in the streets, cafés and restaurants of Bratislava. Ignac Lamar died in 1967.
Stichworte: street figure sculpture man suit hat Sculpture Schoner Naci Bratislava Europe Slovakia
Dieses Bild bewerten: Sehr schlecht Schlecht Geht so Gut Sehr gut Super
Name des Albums:Slowakei
Hinzugefügt am:26. April 2008
Angezeigt:1436 mal
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