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Anfang > Amerika > Mexiko > Pre-hispanische Kunst*?
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Pre-hispanische Kunst

Pre-hispanische Kunst

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Mit Bildern von einigen der frühesten pre-hispanischen Artefakte von der Teotihuacan (100 v.u.Z.) bis zu den Azteken und Maya Epochen (1400 n.u.Z.).
Weitere Bilder aus Mexiko gibt es in diesen Alben:

64 Fotos auf 4 Seite(n) 1

Travel photography:Small figures at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Mask at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Mask at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Recreated grave site at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Sculpture of a face at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:The acrobat from Tlatilco at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:The disk of death (Disco de la Muerte) at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:The Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Facade detail of the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Human sacrifice took place at the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (on display at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum), Mexico
Travel photography:Facade detail of the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Goddes Chalchiutlicue at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Small figure at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Small figures at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Stella at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Sculpture at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Sculpture of Ocelotl-Cuauhxicalli at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Priests of the god of death at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:Priests of the god of death at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
Travel photography:The Stone of the Sun (Aztec Calendar) at the Mexico City Anthropological Museum, Mexico
64 Fotos auf 4 Seite(n) 1


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