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Anfang > Europa > Spanien > Bilbao*?
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Mit Fotografien aus Bilbao, Hauptstadt der Provinz Bizkaia und größte Stadt des Baskenlandes. Seit der Stadtgründung im 14. Jahrhundert, war Bilbao ein wichtiger Handelsplatz und Exporthafen für Eisen. Durch die starke Industrialisierung um 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert wurde Bilbao zur wichtigsten Industriestadt nach Barcelona.
Weitere Bilder aus Spanien gibt es in diesen Alben:

48 Fotos auf 3 Seite(n) 2

Travel photography:Bridge across the Nervión river in Bilbao, Spain
Travel photography:Bridge across the Nervión river in Bilbao, Spain
Travel photography:Collection of lamp posts outside the Bellas Artes Museum in Bilbao, Spain
Travel photography:Collection of lamp posts outside the Bellas Artes Museum in Bilbao, Spain
Travel photography:Fish vendor at the food market in Bilbao, Spain
Travel photography:Fish vendor at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:People at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Pig´s feet for sale at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Olives for sale at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Olives for sale at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Shrimps at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Shrimps at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Delicatessen stall at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Pig´s snouts for sale at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Stall at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Sea food for sale at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Octopus for sale at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Pig´s heads and saussage for sale at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Meat stall at the Bilbao food market, Spain
Travel photography:Houses along the Nervión river in Bilbao, Spain
48 Fotos auf 3 Seite(n) 2


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