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Anfang > Amerika > Kuba > Die Provinz Villa Clara?
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Bild 20/29, Nr. 3838
Cuba Libre
Cuba Libre
The sign reads: "(Uncle Sam wants you) Thank you, but I already live in a Free Cuba." This refers to the numerous attempts by the U.S.A. to try and dominate Cuba politically, economically (no less than four US presidents tried to purchase it from Spain) and militarily. Guantanamo is still a relic from this period. More recently, the CIA-led Bay of Pigs invasion, a continuing illegal economic embargo in combination with some well documented (agricultural) sabotage and political assassination attempts are tell-tale signs that the ongoing struggle for independence is more than just political propaganda in Cuba.
Stichworte: political propaganda billboard Cuba Libre America Santa-Clara
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Name des Albums:Die Provinz Villa Clara
Hinzugefügt am:08. Januar 2008
Angezeigt:1453 mal
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