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Doctor´s Stelae at the Temple of Literature in Hanoi
Doctor´s Stelae at the Temple of Literature in Hanoi
The temple has 82 stelae which contain the names of 1307 graduates of 82 royal exams held from 1442 to 1779. The stelae were first set up in 1484 under King Le Tanh Tong to honour the students and encourage the study of contemporary and future generations. The stelae are placed on tortoise shells with the tortoise being one of the country´s four holy creatures (along with the dragon, unicorn and phoenix) venerated for its longevity.
Stichworte: sculpture history animal stone Doctor´s Stelae Temple Literature Hanoi Asia Vietnam
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Name des Albums:Der Norden
Hinzugefügt am:24. Januar 2009
Angezeigt:1057 mal
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