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Home > Bianco e nero > Ungheria
IMMAGINE 14/17, Ref# 4762
Budapest Vajdahunyad castle
Budapest Vajdahunyad castle
Vajdahunyad Castle, or Vajdahunyad vára, is a castle in the City Park in Budapest. It was built between 1896 and 1908 after plans by Ignác Alpár. In part it is a copy of a castle in Transylvania that is also called Vajdahunyad. It combines various architectural styles from the Hungarian history ranging from Roman over Gothic and Renaissance to Baroque and Rokoko.
Keywords: landmark architecture Budapest Vajdahunyad castle Europe Hungary mono
Vota quest'immagine: Scadente Mediocre Sufficiente Buona Eccellente Grande
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Nome album:Ungheria
Aggiunta il:27 Apr 2008
Visualizato:1509 volte
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