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Home > Europa > Islanda > Costa Nord e Fiordi*?
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Costa Nord e Fiordi

Costa Nord e Fiordi

frame frame
Con immagini dei fiordi del Nord e del litorale tra Blönduós e Akureyri, comprese immagini dalla famosa cascata Goðafoss (cascata degli dèi) dove secondo la leggenda Thorgeir, dopo aver adottato il cristianesimo attorno all'anno 1000, tirò le sue statue degli dèi nordici nella cascata.
Ci sono altre immagini della categoria Islanda in questi album:

78 immagini in 4 pagine 1

Travel photography:Grundarkirkja church in Grund near Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:Midnight sun on midsummer night over the Fjord at Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:Midnight sun on midsummer night over the banks of the Fjord near Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:A ray of the midnight sun on midsummer night travels up the fjord near Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:Light of the midnight sun on midsummer night hits the church in Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:Light of the midnight sun on midsummer night hits the church in Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:Midnight sun on midsummer night over the fjords at Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:Light of the midnight sun on midsummer night at Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:Light of the midnight sun on midsummer night at Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:Silhuette of the Akureyri church in the midnight sun on midsummer night, Iceland
Travel photography:Light of the midnight sun on midsummer night at Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:Light of the midnight sun on midsummer night at Akureyri, Iceland
Travel photography:The Goðafoss waterfall, Iceland
Travel photography:The Goðafoss waterfall, Iceland
Travel photography:The Goðafoss waterfall, Iceland
Travel photography:Grafarkirkja church, Iceland
Travel photography:Grafarkirkja church, Iceland
Travel photography:Interior of the Grafarkirkja church, Iceland
Travel photography:Detail of the front door of Grafarkirkja church, Iceland
Travel photography:Grafarkirkja church, Iceland
78 immagini in 4 pagine 1


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