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Inicio > Europa > Islandia > Costa Norte y Fiordos*?
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Costa Norte y Fiordos

Costa Norte y Fiordos

frame frame
Con imágenes de los fiordos del norte y la costa entre Blönduós y Akureyri, incluyendo imágenes de la famosa cascada Goðafoss (cascada de los dioses), donde según la leyenda, Þorgeir, después de adoptar el cristianismo alrededor del año 1000, arrojó los últimos ídolos de su religión nórdica en la cascada.
Hay otras imágenes de la categoría Islandia en estos álbumes:

78 fotos en 4 página(s) 4

Travel photography:Barrels outside the Siglufjörður herring museum, Iceland
Travel photography:Detail of the barrels outside the Siglufjörður herring museum, Iceland
Travel photography:Detail of the rusty rim of a barrel outside the Siglufjörður herring museum, Iceland
Travel photography:Detail of the rusty rim of a barrel outside the Siglufjörður herring museum, Iceland
Travel photography:Old stencils to label the herring barrels exported from Siglufjörður, Iceland
Travel photography:Old stencils to label the herring barrels exported from Siglufjörður, Iceland
Travel photography:Inside the Siglufjörður herring museum, Iceland
Travel photography:Inside the Siglufjörður herring museum, Iceland
Travel photography:Inside the Siglufjörður herring museum, Iceland
Travel photography:The lighthouse at Sauðanes, Iceland
Travel photography:Sauðanes lighthouse, Iceland
Travel photography:Small shed near the Sauðanes lighthouse, Iceland
Travel photography:Giant radio antenna near the Sauðanes lighthouse, Iceland
Travel photography:The Sauðanes lighthouse, Iceland
Travel photography:Siglufjörður street, Iceland
Travel photography:Skagafjörður landscape with flowers, Iceland
Travel photography:Landscape on the Skagi peninsula, Iceland
Travel photography:Abandoned shed on Skagi peninsula, Iceland
78 fotos en 4 página(s) 4


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