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Home > Europe > Spain > Granada?
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IMAGE 37/104, ID# 7692
Arches in the patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles), also called the Patio de la Alberca (Court of the Blessing or Court of the Pond) in the Nazrin palace of the Granada Alhambra
Arches in the patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles), also called the Patio de la Alberca (Court of the Blessing or Court of the Pond) in the Nazrin palace of the Granada Alhambra
Keywords: architecture landmark arabic palace fortress moorish Arches patio de los Arrayanes Court Myrtles also called Patio la Alberca Blessing or Pond Nazrin Granada Alhambra Europe Spain
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Album name:Granada
Date added:11 Jul, 2011
Displayed:748 times
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