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Início > Ásia e Oceania > Nova Zelândia > Ilha do Sul*?
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Ilha do Sul

Ilha do Sul

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Magníficas praias, florestas antigas, fetos e outros, podem ser vistas nesta galeria que cobre também a Ilha de Stewart.
Há outras imagens da categoria Nova Zelândia nestes álbuns:

50 foto(s) na(s) 3 pagina(s) 2

Travel photography:Lake Pukaki in Mc Kenzie Country, New Zealand
Travel photography:Lake Tekapo in  Mc Kenzie Country, New Zealand
Travel photography:Mount John observatory overlooking Lake Alexandrina, New Zealand
Travel photography:Bronze sculpture of Friday the sheep dog of James MacKenzie overlooking Lake Tekapo, New Zealand
Travel photography:Church of the Good Shepherd at Lake Tekapo, New Zealand
Travel photography:Church of the Good Shepherd at Lake Tekapo, New Zealand
Travel photography:Lake Tekapo and Lake Alexandrina in MacKenzie Country with the Southern Alps in the background, New Zealand
Travel photography:Landscape with Lake Alexandrina and the Southern Alps in MacKenzie Country, New Zealand
Travel photography:Mount John observatory overlooking the Southern Alps, New Zealand
Travel photography:Picton harbour, New Zealand
Travel photography:Picton harbour, New Zealand
Travel photography:Picton harbour, New Zealand
Travel photography:View from the Northern Circuit on Stewart Island, New Zealand
Travel photography:View from the Northern Circuit on Stewart Island, New Zealand
Travel photography:Beach on Stewart Island, New Zealand
Travel photography:Abandoned Farm on Stewart Island, New Zealand
Travel photography:Small bull kelp attached to a rock on Stewart Island, New Zealand
Travel photography:Beach on Stewart Island, New Zealand
Travel photography:Small island in a black-water river on Stewart Island, New Zealand
Travel photography:Stewart Island River, New Zealand
50 foto(s) na(s) 3 pagina(s) 2


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