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Anfang > Amerika > Chile*?
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Mit Bildern aus Puerto Varas, Valparaiso, dem Pan de Azucar Nationalpark, der Chuquicamata Kupfermine sowie der Atacama Wüste nahe San Pedro.

37 Fotos auf 2 Seite(n) 2

Travel photography:Cordillera de la Sal (salt mountains) near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:Stone face and arch in the old Inca settlement of Pukará de Quitor near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:Stone face and arch in the old Inca settlement of Pukará de Quitor near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:Stone face and arch in the old Inca settlement of Pukará de Quitor near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:People walking on sand dune near the Valley de la Luna, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:People walking on sand dune near the Valley de la Luna, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:Bizarre structures gave the name to the Valle de la Luna (Valley of the moon) near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:View over the Valle de la Muerte (Valley of Death) near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:Inside the Valle de la Muerte (Valley of Death) near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:Stone arch and podium on hill near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Travel photography:Valparaiso by night, Chile
Travel photography:Door in Valparaiso, Chile
Travel photography:House in Valparaiso, Chile
Travel photography:Old houses in Valparaiso, Chile
Travel photography:Old houses in Valparaiso, Chile
Travel photography:Street scene in Valparaiso., Chile
Travel photography:Panorama over Valparaiso with the Ascensor Artilleria, Chile
37 Fotos auf 2 Seite(n) 2


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