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Inicio > Europa > Turquía > Ayasofya (Hagia Sofia)?
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FOTOGRAFÍA 6/17, # 2789
One of the main mosaics within the Ayasofya (Hagia Sofia)
One of the main mosaics within the Ayasofya (Hagia Sofia)
Construction on the Ayasofya (Hagia Sofia) started under Constantin in the 5th century but the final form was reached after reconstruction under emperor Justinian in the 6th century. After the end of the Byzantine empire the church was converted to a mosque and since 1935 it is a museum.
Palabras clave: landmark church mosque museum One main mosaics Ayasofya Hagia Sofia Europe Turkey Istanbul
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Información del fichero
Nombre del album:Ayasofya (Hagia Sofia)
Fecha de alta:06 de Ene de 2007
Se ha visto:1441 veces
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