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Inicio > Europa > Alemania > El Norte?
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FOTOGRAFÍA 29/71, # 3669
Logs in a side arm of the Kiel canal connecting the North and Baltic Seas near Kiel
Logs in a side arm of the Kiel canal connecting the North and Baltic Seas near Kiel
The 100km long Kiel canal (German: Nord-Ostsee-Kanal) connects the North Sea with the Baltic Sea and saves the ships the trip through the Skagerrak (Northern Denmark). Built in 1895 the canal is the world's busiest artificial waterway with over 45.000 ships per year.
Palabras clave: water river trees logging autumn scenic sky Logs side arm Kiel canal connecting North Baltic Seas Europe Germany
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Información del fichero
Nombre del album:El Norte
Fecha de alta:15 de Oct de 2007
Se ha visto:853 veces
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