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Home > Europa > Germania > Lubecca?
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IMMAGINE 14/51, Ref# 3312
Broken church bells in the Marienkirche (St. Mary`s church) in Lübeck
Broken church bells in the Marienkirche (St. Mary`s church) in Lübeck
These bells were left as a memorial from when they fell from the belltower after an english bombing raid in 1945. Lübeck was for several centuries the "capital" of the Hanseatic League ("Queen of the Hanse") and because of its Brick Gothic architectural heritage is on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites.
Keywords: destruction war Broken church bells Marienkirche St Mary Lübeck Europe Germany
Vota quest'immagine: Scadente Mediocre Sufficiente Buona Eccellente Grande
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Nome album:Lubecca
Aggiunta il:10 Ago 2007
Visualizato:1861 volte
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