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Home > Europe > Austria*


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Schönbrunn & Belvedere Palaces

Schönbrunn & Belvedere Palaces

With images of the 17th century Schönbrunn palace and 18th century Belvedere palace. Their famous gardens are listed as a UNESCO Cultural World Heritage.

32 photos, last one added on 25 Apr, 2008

Vienna Churches

Vienna Churches

With photographs showing St. Stephen's Cathedral (German: Stephansdom), the Karlskirche and the Votivkirche.

24 photos, last one added on 25 Apr, 2008

Vienna City Sights

Vienna City Sights

Images showing some of Viennas sights: the Hofburgtheater, the Hundertwasser house, the Secession, the famous State Opera (Staatsoper), the city park (Stadtpark)...

53 photos, last one added on 02 May, 2008

Vienna Hofburg

Vienna Hofburg

Images from the former epicentre of the Habsburg Empire showing the architecture of the Hofburg with the famous Hercules statues and the horse carriages (Fiaker).

34 photos, last one added on 30 Apr, 2008

Vienna by Night

Vienna by Night

This gallery shows Vienna after nightfall with images of the State Opera (Staatsoper), the parliament building with the Pallas-Athene fountain, the Hofburg with the "Macht zur See" fountain and the Albertina.

11 photos, last one added on 25 Apr, 2008

Vienna Prater

Vienna Prater

Pictures from Vienna's party mile, made famous through various movie appearances such as in "The Third Man" or James Bond's "The Living Daylights".

12 photos, last one added on 25 Apr, 2008

People and Culture

People and Culture

Photos from Vienna's Naschmarkt (food market) and its café-house and cake culture.

28 photos, last one added on 25 Apr, 2008



With images from Bregenz at the lake constance.

9 photos, last one added on 31 Aug, 2009

8 photo albums on 1 page(s)

Random images - Austria

Travel photography:Detail outside the parliament building in Vienna, Austria
Travel photography:Ceiling inside the Vienna State Opera, Austria
Travel photography:Inside the Vienna State Opera, Austria
Travel photography:Schönbrunn palace clock with golden goose, Austria
Travel photography:Vienna Secession roof , Austria
Travel photography:Detail of the old iron ferris wheel from 1897 at Vienna´s Prater, Austria
Travel photography:Inside the Vienna State Opera, Austria
Travel photography:Detail outside the parliament building in Vienna, Austria
Travel photography:The Pallas-Athene fountain outside the Austrian parliament in Vienna, Austria
Travel photography:View of the stage and orchestra in the Vienna State Opera, Austria
Travel photography:The Macht-zur-See fountain at the Michaeler square outside the Hofburg, Austria
Travel photography:Schönbrunn palace facade, Austria
Travel photography:Water left on a street cafe table after a rain shower, Austria
Travel photography:Vienna Pestsäule detail , Austria
Travel photography:Stephansdom cathedral , Austria


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