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Anfang > Asien und Ozeanien > Indien*


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Diskit und Nubratal

Diskit und Nubratal

23 Fotos, letzte Aktualisierung am 16. August 2005

Himachal Pradesh und Andere

Himachal Pradesh und Andere

11 Fotos, letzte Aktualisierung am 16. August 2005

Kaschmir und Punjab

Kaschmir und Punjab

21 Fotos, letzte Aktualisierung am 16. August 2005



37 Fotos, letzte Aktualisierung am 16. August 2005



33 Fotos, letzte Aktualisierung am 16. August 2005

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

9 Fotos, letzte Aktualisierung am 16. August 2005

6 Fotoalben auf 1 Seite(n)

Zufalls-Bilder - Indien

Travel photography:Women wearing their colourful saris in Jodhpur, India
Travel photography:Kolkatta flower market, India
Travel photography:Boy in Diskit, India
Travel photography:Statue inside the Thiksey Gompa, India
Travel photography:Taj Mahal facade detail, India
Travel photography:Big prayer wheel at the Thiksey Gompa, India
Travel photography:Sand dunes near Diskit, India
Travel photography:Buddhist monk novices outside their Chosling school, India
Travel photography:Traditional house in Manali, India
Travel photography:Spectators at a Polo match in Leh, India
Travel photography:Street with old Havelis (merchant houses) in Jaisalmer, India
Travel photography:Door in Jaisalmer, India
Travel photography:Nubra Valley, India
Travel photography:Taj Mahal at sunset, India
Travel photography:Guard in the Jodhpur Castle, India


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