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Home > America > Cuba > Havana?
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IMAGE 77/114, ID# 3992
Monumento a las victimas del Maine along the Malecón
Monumento a las victimas del Maine along the Malecón
This monument commemorates the victims of the USS Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour in 1898. Until 1959 the monument was topped by an American eagle. Nowadays, the inscription on the monument reads: "A las victimas del Maine que fueron sacrifiados por la voracidad imperialista en su afán de apoderarse de la Isla de Cuba." alluding to a theory according to which the ship was blown up by US-agents in order to obtain a pretext to be able to declare war on Spain.
Keywords: landmark politics history military war car classic automobile oldtimer street road Monumento las victimas del Maine along Malecón America Cuba Havana
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Album name:Havana
Date added:08 Jan, 2008
Displayed:1252 times
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