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Home > Bianco e nero > Brasile
IMMAGINE 26/37, Ref# 4287
The Museum of Contemporary Art in Niterói with the Sugar Loaf (Pão de Açúcar) in the background
The Museum of Contemporary Art in Niterói with the Sugar Loaf (Pão de Açúcar) in the background
Designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer and constructed in 1996. The angle of inclination of the main building exactly matches the slope of the Sugar Loaf. More images from this museum can be found in the colour gallery.
Keywords: landmark architecture landscape Museum Contemporary Art Niterói Sugar Loaf Pão de Açúcar background America Brazil Niteroi mono
Vota quest'immagine: Scadente Mediocre Sufficiente Buona Eccellente Grande
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Nome album:Brasile
Aggiunta il:22 Gen 2008
Visualizato:2093 volte
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