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Inicio > Europa > Alemania > Lago de Constanza?
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FOTOGRAFÍA 7/70, # 432
Imperia statue at the harbour in Constance (Konstanz)
Imperia statue at the harbour in Constance (Konstanz)
This statue commemorates the time of the Council in Constance between 1414 and 1418 to resolve the issues between the king, the pope and the counter pope. At the time of the council, the presence of the cardinals and royal legates led to a manifold increase in prostitution in the city. This statue therefore shows the real power at the time: the prostitute Imperia that holds the naked pope in her left and the naked king in her right.
Palabras clave: statue landmark religion Imperia harbour Constance Konstanz Europe Germany
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Información del fichero
Nombre del album:Lago de Constanza
Fecha de alta:21 de Abr de 2004
Se ha visto:2355 veces
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