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Inicio > Europa > Austria > Viena Hofburg?
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FOTOGRAFÍA 21/34, # 4520
Sculpture of Heracles with Antaeus in Vienna´s Hofburg
Sculpture of Heracles with Antaeus in Vienna´s Hofburg
The Hofburg Imperial Palace housed some of the most powerful people in Austrian history. From 1438 to 1583 and from 1612 to 1806, it was the seat of the kings and emperors of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation, thereafter the principal winter residence of the the Habsburg dynasty, rulers of the Austro-Hungarian empire until 1918 (while Schönbrunn Palace was their preferred summer residence). Today it is the official seat of the Austrian Federal President.
Palabras clave: Wien Habsburg empire landmark greek mythology hercules herkules sculpture stone Sculpture Heracles Antaeus Vienna´s Hofburg Europe Austria Vienna
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Información del fichero
Nombre del album:Viena Hofburg
Fecha de alta:25 de Abr de 2008
Se ha visto:1512 veces
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