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Home > Asia ed Oceania > Corea del Sud > Seul tradizionale?
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IMMAGINE 119/132, Ref# 9838
Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul
Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul
Jongmyo is a Confucian shrine in the centre of Seoul. At present it is used for memorial services for the kings and queens of the former Joseon Dynasty. In 1995, it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list, being the oldest royal Confucian shrine still in existence today.
Keywords: people men costumes confucian religion UNESO world heritage Ceremony performed Jongmyo Royal Shrine Seoul Asia South Korea
Vota quest'immagine: Scadente Mediocre Sufficiente Buona Eccellente Grande
Info immagine
Nome album:Seul tradizionale
Paese:South Korea
Aggiunta il:04 Nov 2012
Visualizato:723 volte
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