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Anfang > Asien und Ozeanien > Japan > Sumo*?
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Mit Bildern der traditionellen Japanischen Sportart des Sumo-Ringens. Die Fotos wurden während des Nagoya Basho 2012 aufgenommen, eines der sechs großen nationalen Sumo-Turniere (oder Bashos), die in Japan jedes Jahr mit allen aktuellen Top-Sumo-Ringer stattfinden.
Weitere Bilder aus Japan gibt es in diesen Alben:

50 Fotos auf 3 Seite(n) 1

Travel photography:The five shimpan (judges) usually seated around the ring meet in the center to hold a mono-ii at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers in a bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers perform the leg-stomping (shiko) exercise to drive evil spirits from the ring (dohyoin) at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers in a bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Sumo wrestlers on a break at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers in a bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers in a bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Interlude at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Juryo ranked wrestlers perform the leg-stomping (shiko) exercise to drive evil spirits from the ring (dohyoin) at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Sumo action at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Throwing the opponent out of the ring at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Throwing the opponent out of the ring at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Entrance of the highest ranked makuuchi fighters at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Entrance of the highest ranked makuuchi fighters at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Entrance of the highest ranked makuuchi fighters at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Entrance of the highest ranked makuuchi fighters at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Presentation of the bow to the top makuuchi wrestler at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
50 Fotos auf 3 Seite(n) 1


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