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Inicio > Asia y Oceanía > Japón > Sumo*?
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El sumo es un tipo de lucha libre donde dos luchadores contrincantes o rikishi se enfrentan en un área circular. Es de origen japonés y mantiene gran parte de la tradición sintoísta antigua. Las fotografías fueron tomadas durante el Basho de Nagoya 2012, uno de los 6 grandes torneos (bashos) nacionales de sumo que tienen lugar en Japón cada año, con todos los actuales luchadores de sumo más importantes.
Hay otras imágenes de la categoría Japón en estos álbumes:

50 fotos en 3 página(s) 1

Travel photography:The five shimpan (judges) usually seated around the ring meet in the center to hold a mono-ii at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers in a bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers perform the leg-stomping (shiko) exercise to drive evil spirits from the ring (dohyoin) at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers in a bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Sumo wrestlers on a break at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers in a bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Makushita ranked wrestlers in a bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Interlude at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Juryo ranked wrestlers perform the leg-stomping (shiko) exercise to drive evil spirits from the ring (dohyoin) at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Sumo action at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Throwing the opponent out of the ring at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Throwing the opponent out of the ring at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Bout at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Entrance of the highest ranked makuuchi fighters at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Entrance of the highest ranked makuuchi fighters at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Entrance of the highest ranked makuuchi fighters at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Entrance of the highest ranked makuuchi fighters at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
Travel photography:Presentation of the bow to the top makuuchi wrestler at the Nagoya Sumo Tournament, Japan
50 fotos en 3 página(s) 1


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